This book is full of practical and ready-to-use resources for the secondary RE classroom. Its focus is on providing original source material and contemporary voices, while recognising and identifying diversity of views, controversies and complexity.
The title indicates something of the approach: we are examining religion and belief by focusing on Muslims rather than on the religion of Islam. The emphasis is on lived faith and practice, with an eye on requirements for examination RS but not solely driven by them. The book includes case studies on Islamic art and texts; Muslim scholars answer questions on pacifism, justice and jihad; there is an infographic presenting some kay data from the UK and beyond; one teaching unit explores the rituals and significance of Hajj for 11 – 14s, and for 14 – 16s the focus is on Muslim beliefs about life after death.
Through engaging with and encountering Muslim voices, students can deepen their understanding of the world and reflect on how they make sense of their own place within it. This kind of RE aims to enable personal thinking as well as develop religious literacy.
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