REtoday – Personal worldviews in RE


Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £2.50.

This issue explores the place of personal worldviews in RE.

One way of looking at religions is as communal worldviews, where overlapping ideas, histories and beliefs create strong senses of shared identity in communities that may transcend family, ethnicity, nationality � any human barriers. Communal worldviews may also share institutions and structures, rituals and reverences, festivals and celebrations, memories and experiences.

But in RE these kinds of powerful and communally shared senses of identity and belonging need to be balanced by an alertness to the fact that all seven and a half billion of us on the planet see the world a little differently too. No one stands quite where you stand. No one sees just the angles that catch your eye. No one moves from day to day in exactly your pattern.

There are interviews, personal viewpoints, and articles about classroom practice and theory. With over 30 points of reflection, learning and action for yourself in all your RE work, many of them drawing upon the idea of personal worldviews, you will find a wealth of opinion, information and resources to inspire you for the term ahead.

  • ISBN: 220201
  • SKU: 220201
  • Published: 05/01/2022
  • Pages: 100


This issue explores the place of personal worldviews in RE.

One way of looking at religions is as communal worldviews, where overlapping ideas, histories and beliefs create strong senses of shared identity in communities that may transcend family, ethnicity, nationality � any human barriers. Communal worldviews may also share institutions and structures, rituals and reverences, festivals and celebrations, memories and experiences.

But in RE these kinds of powerful and communally shared senses of identity and belonging need to be balanced by an alertness to the fact that all seven and a half billion of us on the planet see the world a little differently too. No one stands quite where you stand. No one sees just the angles that catch your eye. No one moves from day to day in exactly your pattern.

There are interviews, personal viewpoints, and articles about classroom practice and theory. With over 30 points of reflection, learning and action for yourself in all your RE work, many of them drawing upon the idea of personal worldviews, you will find a wealth of opinion, information and resources to inspire you for the term ahead.

  • ISBN: 220201
  • SKU: 220201
  • Published: 20220105
  • Pages: 100

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Age Range



Religion and Worldviews

Key Stage

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