This PDF unit enables pupils to learn about:
Who they care for and how they show this
Examples of caring shown in different religions.
There is a focus on using music in RE, which is exemplified through five songs in particular, but many other examples of religious songs about caring could also be used.
Children will learn some reasons why everyone needs to care for each other if people are to be happy together; they will enquire into what it means to care for themselves, for each other and for the earth. They will be able to think for themselves about questions to do with how they show they care for others and what else they could do.
Using stories and songs, pupils are encouraged to learn from different religions and make simple links to their own experiences, beliefs, values and behaviour.
This unit will help teachers to implement the syllabus requirements for RE by providing them with well-worked examples of teaching and learning about the theme of caring. By using the concepts of sharing, looking after each other, caring for the earth and singing about what matters, learners will develop their own understanding of religious stories and music.
This unit contributes to the continuity and progression of pupils’ learning by providing increasing awareness of different religions and their music, stories and values.
Suitable for Year Groups 1/2.
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